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I love seeing visual novels developed for the Playdate.  Makes me happy.  Lots of spelling and grammatical errors, but that's easy enough to clean up and did not distract from the story.  I thought it was a good blend of dark and funny and hinted at a larger world. In general I lose interest in visual novels that don't have choices or branching storylines, but I found this one engaging.  I would love to seeing more interaction in future chapters, but that is not necessary for my support.  Great little game and I hope to see more.

I'm glad you enjoy it. 

I fed the game up to grammarly and... Oh God, your're damn right about the errors! D:

I'm going to fix these up as soon as I can.

For what concerns interaction, I'm designing the next installment as a sort of creature collector (with a very small ammount of creatures)/mistery game with the story told via VN segments.

Anyway I'm very grateful for your feedback and for the long comment. 

'series' :) - I like a bit of occult and lovecraft stuff so this has me intrigued!


Thank you for the suggestion. Hope you enjoy it!